What To Wear- Kayaking
Summer Paddling
When heading out on the water, it’s important to dress for the water as well as the weather. And that means protecting yourself from the sun, as well as the wet and cold.
If you’re kayaking in spring or summer you can get away with lighter layers and some exposed skin. But you need to remember to put on your sunscreen to prevent you from getting burnt while out on the water during the warmer months.
Winter Paddling
If you’re kayaking in autumn or winter, then preparation is key. If you capsize in cold water the effects are far more dangerous than taking a dip in warmer water. There’s a risk of drowning, as well as lung and heart shocks. And of course, hypothermia.
Don't Forget..
And not forgetting the all important Buoyancy Aid, whatever the weather! Also, if you’re kayaking on rough water, it’s always advisable to wear a helmet to protect your head. It should fit you snugly, cover your temple area and the nape of the neck, and should always be securely fastened.